Our expert technicians are available to help you with whatever your needs are when you come in for your consultation. If you have questions, we’ll answer them. To help you out, we’ve put together some of the most commonly asked questions we receive and answered them below.
FAQ – Common Questions About Laser Hair Removal
What systems do you use for Laser Hair Removal and how do they differ?
Urban Body Laser has been specializing for almost a decade in Permanent Laser Hair Removal by using 4 different laser/light systems that all treat safely and effectively.
The laser systems we use are:
- Ndyag Profile which is manufactured by Sciton
- Light Sheer ET which is manufactured by Lumenis
- Light Sheer Duet which is manufactured by Lumenis
- Fotona SP Dynamis Ndyag/ERbium yag which is manufactured by Fotona
The light system we use:
BBL – Broad Band Light which is manufactured by Sciton
IPL – which is manufactured by Lucent
How they differ?
The laser systems we use can treat all skin types, however each system is ‘best suited’ for certain hair and skin types.
1064 Ndyag:
Our Ndyag Profile™ Laser uses the longest available, deeper penetrating 1064 nanometer wavelength. The Sciton Profile™ Laser reaches even the deepest hair roots, which can be 4-6 mm below the skin surface in some cases.
The long 1064 nanometer wavelength of the Sciton Profile™ Laser makes it possible to safely and effectively treat all people — even those with tanned, very dark or black skin.
Sciton Profile™ Laser also allows the operator to adjust the duration of the pulse of laser energy to best suit the thickness of the hair shafts on different parts of your body. Some older laser systems lack this degree of fine control.
The Sciton Profile™ Laser cooling system provides an extra margin of safety and comfort with the chill plate and a clear view of the area to be treated.
It is best suited for darker skin types, clients with an active tan and Black hair of any thickness.
Light Sheer ET:
Our Light Sheer ET has a depth of penetration at 800 nanometers. It is the ideal depth for laser hair removal. It only treats the safest at a lighter color skin, skin that has been out of the sun for a month. It works best on Black, brown, hair that is coarse or medium in thickness.
It has a small treatment area so works well with smaller body parts or areas that are uneven.
Light Sheer Duet:
Our Light Sheer Duet also has a penetration depth of 800 nanometers. It also only treats the safest on lighter skin tones and skin that has been out of the sun for one month.
Light Sheer Duet works best with black, brown hair that is coarse, medium or fine in thickness.
It has a larger treatment area so is much quicker than our Light Sheer ET. It is a vacuum assisted system pulling the target closer to the surface of the skin, therefore using less energy and making treatment much more comfortable.
We only have one light system that we use for permanent laser hair removal.
Broad Band Light (Intense pulsed light):
Our BBL system uses flash lamps producing a spectrum of light energy rather than laser light. Its depth of penetration ranges from 590 nanometers to 690 nanometers.
It only treats safely when skin has been out of the sun for 1 month.
BBL is a much shallower system than our laser systems, therefore it is best suited for finer hairs of any color. The reason why it is best suited for finer hairs is because ‘typically’ the softer and finer the hair, the shallower the root.
Is it safe for my skin?
Because we have 3 different systems we use for safe and effective hair removal, we are able to customize your treatments to make it safe for all skin/hair types. This is done through correct depth of system, proper cooling to the treated area and customized protocol for your specific hair and skin type.
Are the results permanent?
When treated with system that is best suited for your skinhair type, you should be able to achieve 70% to 95% permanent hair removal. This is an average number and can vary if one’s hair is on the lighter side or one’s skin is on the darker side. Your body will always have dormant hairs that may or may not grow due to such changes as stress, hormones, diet, weather changes and emotional disorders. Even when dormant hairs pop up, the regrowth will never be the same as what you started with. The laser may also result in delayed re-growth of the treated hair follicles, AKA “Stunted Hair Growth”. This means that a percentage age of hair will stop growing an eventually come back. Overtime your hair will be permanently reduced. Also, re-growing hairs usually come back thinner, finer and softer and grow slower resulting in less shaving and much softer stubble. Because the laser tends to treat hair follicles that are in an active growth phase, more than one treatment will be required to disable hair follicles. However, one to two treatments may result in a significant enough improvement that it may be all you desire or require. If you are wanting permanent hair removal, laser is a commitment, however, worth every minute of it.
How does your system compare to electrolysis?
It has been said that: “Removing hair by electrolysis is like mowing grass — one blade at a time!”
With electrolysis, the operator inserts a needle into the hair follicle and tries to have the needle tip reach the hair root. The operator then triggers a small electrical charge to disable the hair root. The hair from that follicle is then removed with tweezers. There can be considerable variation in the results between electrolysis therapists, and the rate of permanent hair loss has been reported to be from 15 to 50%. Electrolysis can be a tedious process and is a difficult undertaking for some clients. Even a small area like the face, for example, in the case of a woman with heavy facial hair, could require electrolysis for 2 -3 hours per week for 2 years, with further treatments over an undetermined period of time, for a total treatment time exceeding 210 hours. Despite its popularity over the past two decades and its use for over 100 years, there is little in the medical and scientific literature about electrolysis.
Hair removal is much faster with a laser because each “pulse” of laser or light disables a large numbers of hair follicles. Pulses can be delivered as often as twice every second. Electrolysis operators can only treat those hairs that they can see and which they can reach the follicle through the hair shaft. All of our systems treat hair in the “active” phase, even if the hair has not yet reached the surface of the skin, is “ingrown”, or if the hair shaft is not straight.
What are the risks?
Over the years, laser hair removal has proven to be a relatively safe procedure. But now with the variety of systems, the risks of laser have been greatly reduced. The main concern with laser has always been the damage that the heat can cause, however with both our lasers and our light system, having temperature control, this concern is greatly decreased.
Which hair colors respond best to treatment?
Laser hair removal work best on black or brown hair. Naturally red or some darker blondes may respond partially. It really depends on the base of the hair. If you have a blondered hair with a darker root, you may have better results. Depending on the tone of grey, laser may also work partially on that as well.
White hair does not respond at all to treatment – so get your unwanted hair removed before it turns grey or white!
How much hair will grow back and how fast?
After each treatment there will be a reduction of hair anywhere from 5% to 20%. Depending on which system we use for your treatment, you may notice ‘shedding days or few weeks after’ or you may only notice the actual permanent reduction. How much hair you have in the Anagen Phase that is being treated at a certain protocol for the appropriate thickness of hair at the time of the treatment will dictate the amount of hair loss there is. For ex: you can only treat hair of one thickness at a time. So if you have an area of hairs that are mixed with coarser/finer/medium hair, only coarse hairs will be treated affectively. You will find the maintenance between treatments is very minimal. Shaving weekly or monthly rather than daily is very common. Stubble softens immensely leaving your skin feeling much softer when hairs do start coming back.
How many treatments are needed?
The number of treatments required to obtain optimal results varies with hair density, hair color, skin types, the treatment area and your hair growth cycle. The density of your hair and its growth cycle are affected by many things such as your age, ethnic background, hormones or medications. Laser treatments impair the growth capacity of hair follicles when they are in growth cycle at the time of the treatment. All hair follicles are not active at the same time. Typically your hair growth cycles are shortest in face and neck. Followed by the torso area and the longest growth cycle being the legs.
If you are coming in for your face and or neck, your intervals will be 5 to 9 weeks. Torso area 8 to 12 weeks and legs being 10 to 14 weeks. If you are being treated sooner than our suggested time frame, you will be spending more money than you need to. As well, you will end up with a large amount of “stunted hair growth” rather than true permanent hair removal.
How can I get the best value for my treatments?
To get the best results for the smallest number of treatment sessions, please read these guidelines below carefully!
- AVOID WAXING/SUGARING/PLUCKING. Basically anything that pulls the hair from the root. Without the ACTIVELY GROWING hair root there is no highway for the heat from the laser to enter the follicle.
- AVOID TANNING. Having a tan with our machine is very safe and not a problem. We treat any and every skin type from African American to Scottish and everything in between. But, the lighter the skin at the time of treatment, the better the laser carries through the skin to the hair roots where it is needed.
- TIMING, TIMING, TIMING!! It is so very important to keep the treatments consistent. It takes approximately 8 to 12 weeks for the body, 5 to 9 weeks for the face and 10 to 14 weeks for legs to develop the next crop of active hair roots and develop the pigment which is the target. There is no problem having your treatments more frequently but they will be less efficient and you will essentially need more treatments to complete the process.
How much does treatment cost?
Please see our Pricing Page for pricing details.
What will happen treatment day?
There is nothing that you need to do to prep yourself for laser hair removal except for shaving the area to be treated. You may shave the day before or preferably the morning of. With treatments to the face it is important to leave a test patch of hair so technicians can see the colour and thickness of hair. Technicians are trained to be able to treat through observing clinical end point, however leaving a test patch is always a good habit to get into for future appointments. Seeing the changes through out your progress is very difficult without those test patches.
Does it hurt?
With the SCITON PROFILE SYSTEM, treatments can be virtually pain free. There is a chill plate that is approximately 5º C. It is used preduringpost treatment. The heat from the laser is what causes pain, so with the area being chilled, you don’t feel any pain. The Light Sheer Duet is also a very comfortable treatment due to the vacuum system that pulls the target closer to the laser, therefore needing less energy resulting in less heat build up.
That being said STRESS can also be a factor in whether or not you feel any discomfort. Keep in mind that having a “bad day”, lack of sleep and/or food or any other situation that promotes stress may lead to some discomfort. When it comes to treatment day, remember to have a good night sleep, food in your tummy and a smile on your face.
Why do I need multiple treatments?
The hair on our body grows in cycles. There are three phases of hair growth per cycle. They are:
- Anagen
- Catagen
- Telogen
The first phase of the cycle is when hair removal works. It is the only phase of the cycle where the hair is still attached to the follicle. The heat from the laser then travels down the shaft of the hair and penetrates the follicle. When this happens, the heat will put the follicle into a permanent state of dormancy and hair will stop growing. The percentage of hair in the Anagen phase is not the same for every body part. This is one of the reasons why you need to have multiple treatments.
Is it safe to be treated during pregnancy?
We do not treat pregnant ladies ever during their pregnancy. There is NO PROOF of what the effects of Laser or Light systems have on the fetus. We play it safe and refuse treatment anytime during the entire term of one’s pregnancy. If you are determined to have treatment, please think twice about risking something that has never been studied and if you find a clinic that is willing to treat you while you are pregnant, be wary.
What skincare line do you carry?
Please visit our online store here.
FAQ – Common Questions About BBL
What is BBL™ (Intense Pulsed Light)?
Profile’s innovative BroadBand Light (BBL™) technology utilizes the power of pulsed light to deliver excellent results in photorejuvenation therapy. Your technician will use the Profile™ to treat sun and age spots, and other skin blemishes. As a result your skin’s youthful appearance will be restored.
These systems are flash lamps producing a spectrum of light energy rather than laser light. BBL is much broader (shallower) therefore the treatment is often best used for shallow hairs. BBL is best suited for finer hairs because ‘typically’ the softer and finer the hair, the shallower the root. If BBL is used to treat coarser hairs, it may lead to stunting rather than eradicating hair follicles. When this happens, there is often an unacceptable amount of hair re-growth, even after many treatments. The reason why BBL systems may stunt coarse hair is because the root in coarser hair is ‘typically’ deeper. BBL is a shallower system therefore not the best suited.
What conditions can be treated?
- Rosacea
- Solar lentigines
- Age spots
- Telangiectasia/facial veins
- Café au Lait macules/brown spots, birthmarks
- Port wine stains
- Hemangiomas/red spots
- Poikiloderma
- Burn erythema
- Hyperpigmentation
What does BBL™ do?
The light energy delivered by the BBL™ gently heats up the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate the skin cells. This will restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it smoother and more vibrant.
What areas can be treated?
Any area of your body can be treated. The most common ones are face, neck, hands, chest and shoulders, which typically are the most exposed to the damaging effects of the sun.
How many treatments will I need?
Depending upon lesions treated, anywhere from 2 to 5 treatments will produce the desired results.
How long will it take to recover?
This minimally invasive and gentle procedure can be performed during lunch-time with virtually no downtime.
What should I expect after the treatment?
Typically you may experience some redness that will resolve within a few hours. For some pigmented lesions you will see a darkening of the treated areas followed by fading and flaking off at a later stage. Since results vary depending on patient condition, number of treatments and area treated, your technician will provide you with all the complete information about the post treatment effects and results.
Will it be uncomfortable?
The procedure is gentle and non-invasive. There should be minimal or no discomfort. You will feel a rubber band like snap of the skin as the procedure is performed. However, this varies from patient to patient and depends on the depth of the treatment. There is no need for any topical anesthesia; however, patients may choose to use it on more sensitive areas. Your technician will recommend the best options during consultation.
Is the cooling that is used for comfort control of my skin helpful for success of my treatments as well?
No it is not. During your laser hair removal treatments there is usually some form of cold used to make your treatments more comfortable. However if there is too much cooling being used during treatment, in can interfere with heat being used to cause photothermolysis. This will result in either unsuccessful treatments or more treatments needed for desired results. You want to ensure that when being treated, the laser machine being used has a cooling system that can be controlled. Systems that use “spray cooling” or “cold air” cannot be controlled. Both our Sciton Profile System and our BBL System both have chilling mechanism that range approx from 0°C to 30°C. When we perform treatments here at Urban Body, we know the EXACT temperature you are being treated with.
What will happen during the procedure?
Your eyes will be protected with safety shields or glasses. You may briefly feel a rubber band snap or warm sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type and depth of the procedure performed. Your technician will discuss all the options with you.
What aftercare do I need?
It is important to follow your technician’s instructions. You will be given some skin care products and instructions on how to use them. This will minimize your risk of inflammation or redness and ensure the shortest healing time. You will be sensitive to ultraviolet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. Fully cover your skin or use a good sunscreen whenever you go outdoors.
To Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment
If you do not attend your consultation or do not give us 48 hours notice (for regular length appointments or appointments scheduled on weekends or holidays) or 72 hours (for appointments two hours or longer), there will be a $100.00 fee.
Not showing up to all other regular scheduled appointments or cancelling outside of the cancellation window will result in a $25.00 fee per 15 mins of your missed appointment.
Skin Consultations are $50.00 (this fee will be applied to any purchases).
Laser Hair Removal Consultations are free.
Example: A 45 minute appointment -$75 fee. You may have up to two fees applied to your account for future services. The notice we request is 24 hours for weekdays and 48 hours for weekends, holidays and appointments that are 2 hours or longer.
No Show and Late Cancellation fee credits
All no show and cancellation fee credits expire 1 year after your last treatment date.
You can only use a maximum of 2 No Show and Late Cancellation fee credits towards services while at Urban body Laser.
Late Arrivals
We hope you will understand that if you are more than 10-15 minutes late for your appointment there’s a probability that it will need to be rescheduled. When guests come in, we are on time for their appointments and this is why 🙂 We have chosen these guidelines to ensure that we provide the best care and experience to all of our clients.
A deposit may be taken at the time of booking and will be applied in full to the balance of your bill.
Deposits are non-refundable but may be used for a Gift Card if you decide not to proceed with the service. You may also apply it to another service.
UBL Membership
UBL Membership becomes inactive after two years post package of no touch ups. The UBL membership means touch ups would be at a discounted price while your membership remains active.
Product and treatment costs are discussed at the time of consultation and will be reviewed prior to treatment.
The balance owing for products and services will be due at the time of treatment, or broken into a monthly payment plan.
We accept cash, Debit, Cheque, Diner’s Club, Visa, Master Card and American Express.
Returns on Colorescience products must be done within 21 days of purchase for full refund or 30 days for exchange only.
R3 Derma Health products are 100% returnable within 60 days of purchase.
Complimentary Treatments
Any complimentary treatments given must be used within 1 year of date received.
Any complimentary Birthday treatments must be used 30 days before or after your Birthday.