Why choose laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is the most effective method for permanently removing unwanted body hair. The only other method for permanent hair removal is electrolysis, however it is extremely slow and painful! Why settle for old fashioned solutions when you can experience permanent results with laser hair removal treatments.
How is permanent hair removal achieved with laser treatments?
Laser hair removal treatments are the most popular and effective method for permanently removing unwanted hair. Typically permanent results are achieved after 5-12 laser hair removal sessions, this is influenced by the amount of hair, hair colour and skin type of the guest.
Dark hair on lighter skin is easiest to treat as it creates the greatest contrast (a laser works by targeting the pigment melanin. Dark hair has more melanin and thus responds better to treatments. Patients with lighter hair can still achieve results, they just generally require more treatments.
Our hair grows in 3 phases and a laser can only affect the current growing hair follicles. This is why multiple sessions are needed to damage the hair in all phases of growth.
At Urban Body Laser we have four different systems to treat unwanted body hair permanently. This means we are able to treat almost any skin type and ethnicity!
Our systems include:
The Sciton Long Pulsed 1064 NdYag
A high powered technically advanced Laser Hair Removal System that can remove unwanted hair on any area of the body, this machine is able to offer superior results to the widest variety of patients.
Light Sheer ET:
The Light Sheer ET works on all skin types and hair types, however is best on the coarser and medium hairs. This system uses a smaller treatment tool that works wellon small or hard to reach areas. Patients should avoid sun exposure for a month prior to treatment.
Ndyag withe the Fotona: FRAC3 Hair removal
What is FRAC3® hair removal?
This 1064 nm Nd:YAG FRAC3® method is optimized to deliver high intensity laser pulses in extremely short times, sufficiently short to destroy most hair types while avoiding unnecessary damage to the skin. Due to the relatively low absorption
in melanin, Nd:YAG laser treatments can be used safely and effectively even with darker
skin types.
How does FRAC3® hair removal work?
The FRAC3® pulse produces a three-dimensional fractional pattern within the epidermis and dermis, with energy being absorbed predominantly at the sites of small skin imperfections before heat is transferred to the surrounding non-target structures.
Light Sheer Duet:
The Light Sheer Duet is the same system as the ET only it has a larger treatment area in order to treat large areas more efficiently. The vacuum assisted system pulls the targeted hair closer to the surface of the skin therefore using less energy and essentially making the treatments more comfortable.
BBL Hair Removal (Also referred to as IPL)
BBL hair removal treatment uses the science of light to significantly reduce hair by targeting and injuring hair follicles without harming the surrounding skin.
To book your free consultation please call
(604) 696-5506
Featured Services
Facial Hair Removal
Say goodbye to embarrassing fuzz! Permanently remove unwanted facial hair on any skin type or hair color with laser treatments.
Age Spot Removal
Repair and revive your skin with a proven effective, non-invasive way to remove liver spots, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.
Acne Treatment
Get clearer, brighter acne free skin. We can painlessly destroy bacteria that causes acne and heal scar tissue.